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eCommerce website development Dubai

eCommerce website development Dubai

eCommerce website development Dubai:

Dubai e-commerce website:


The E trader license is intended for individuals or home-based entrepreneurs who offer goods and services through social media platforms such as Instagram. In Dubai, the Department of

Economic Development (DED) has issued an e-commerce license to monitor online sales of goods through are marketed, created.

h social networking networks. This law serves to reduce the sale of fake goods and goods on social media. This license also serves as a confidence booster for customers or buyers who make online

purchases through various social media sites. By obtaining an e-commerce license in Dubai, you can sell items or services on social media sites.

If you want to work from home using social media platforms and don’t want to have an office, an e-commerce license in Dubai is the best way to grow your business. While a Dubai e-commerce

license allows you to do business online in Dubai, you need to obtain a separate license from the relevant DED authorities to sell your products or services in other emirates.

Who is eligible to apply for a Dubai e-commerce license?

This license is perfect for entrepreneurs who want to run their own small business from home or start a side business online. Maybe you’re thinking of offering handmade items, clothing, or digital marketing services online. If so, this license is perfect for you.

eCommerce website development Dubai:

Other people who should apply for this license include:

freelance workers
Stay at home moms
Those who want to own 100% of their company
Entrepreneurs who want to try an internet business for services

eCommerce website development Dubai
eCommerce website development Dubai

Who is not eligible to apply for a Dubai e-commerce license?

E trader license is not for everyone. To begin with, you must reside in Dubai. You also cannot work from a place of business such as a shop, garage, or office. Therefore, if you rent a commercial

space for your company, this license is not suitable for you.

Another requirement is that your company remains small. Therefore, if you plan to expand your business and hire employees, you should look for another license for your company.

This license is only valid in Dubai, so if you want to set up a business in Abu Dhabi or elsewhere, you’re out of luck.

Benefits of having an e-commerce license in Dubai

Obtaining an e-commerce license in Dubai provides several advantages to people who want to legally sell or promote items and services through various social media platforms such as Instagram,

Facebook or a personal website. Apart from that, e-commerce license in Dubai has various other benefits including


An e-trader certificate instills customer confidence and encourages hassle-free online trading.

Licensing gives legitimacy and credibility to online sales and e-commerce.

An e-trader license allows a person to legally market or sell a product using various online channels such as websites and other social media platforms.

Home business owners have a great opportunity to participate in events and exhibitions and display their products and goods.

The licensee can sell these goods on many e-commerce websites such as

Licensees may benefit from participating in DED’s e-commerce training program.

The license protects intellectual property as well as trademarks.

How to get e-commerce license in Dubai, United Arab Emirates?

E-trader license registration is a basic and simple process.


You can do this by registering on the DED Trader website.

Create an account on the DED Trader website.

Provide information about your social media account.

After registration, pay the license fee.

The license fee for Dubai E Trader is AED 1070.

The license must be renewed annually.


Take advantage of Dubai’s huge e-commerce potential. Please contact Bandar Azad Consultants if you have any questions or concerns regarding E trader license in Dubai.

Documents required for e-commerce license in Dubai as well as estimated cost

To get an E business permit in Dubai and UAE, you need to submit necessary documents to DED showing your address, age, residence details etc. With a license, you are allowed to set up a shop.

This license is for promoting companies that operate outside of people’s homes. If you want to set up a business in Dubai, the procedures, permits and eligibility requirements are all different.

The following documents are required for e-commerce license in Dubai

Must be based in Dubai and have a valid Emirates ID.

The minimum legal age is 21 years.

Register the name of the business in the relevant authorities. In addition, permission must be provided to the program.

Residence documents (house number). However, Ejari is not required.

UAE e-commerce license can be received within 3-5 working days. Payment must be made within 24 hours of issuing the payment voucher to the authorities. To start a commercial business

activity, you must be a member of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce. The license is valid for one year. It must be renewed every year, within one month from the expiration date.

eCommerce website development Dubai
eCommerce website development Dubai

eCommerce website development Dubai:

AED 1070 for an e-commerce license
1370 dirhams for e-commerce license (including 300 dirhams for membership in the Dubai Chamber of Commerce)
An e-commerce license is suitable for anyone who wants to devote their free time to personal development through business. You can gain financial security by making the most of the opportunity.

A trader’s license is suitable for the following purposes
Professionals who don’t want to invest a lot of money to start a business, but still want to use their skills.
Before launching a full-fledged company, assess the likelihood of success.
To use free time and create a side business
Professionals who have another job and want to pursue their passion as a side business.
Newcomers who experience new business concepts
To assess entrepreneurial abilities
What if the company does not qualify for an e-commerce license?
Nationality-based activities are prohibited for businesses that may operate under this license. If you don’t think an e-commerce license is right for you, don’t worry. In Dubai, you can get all kinds of licenses for your company.

You may be able to apply for the following business licenses in Dubai:

Professional license
Business license
Industrial license
Tourist permit

Bandarazad can review various licensing options with you and help you decide which one is ideal for your company. We will even help you prepare all the necessary documents so that you can start your company as soon as possible.


The UAE e-commerce license was created to control economic activities that take place on social media networks. To start a business on social networks, you need to get an e-commerce license.

This authority has developed a procedure for granting the subject license. The Department of Economic Development (DED) is the agency authorized to review applications and grant permits.

This license is known as a DED dealer license or simply a dealer license.

If you need business startup services, please contact us, and we will be happy to help you.

Bandar Azad offers business startup and company formation services in Dubai, United Arab Emirates with the help of our team of skilled consultants. Faster and easier business formation in mainland and free zones in UAE.

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Hassle free company setup in Mainland and Freezone in UAE.

Free port provides faster and hassle free trade
License with minimal paperwork. You will receive guidance from our team of professional consultants
General Business License, Freelance License, Etrader License, Event Management License, Travel Agency License at
Mainland and Free Zone in the United Arab Emirates.

eCommerce website development Dubai
eCommerce website development Dubai

eCommerce website development Dubai:

What is an online business in Dubai?
Thanks to the massive increase in online goods and e-commerce, online investments in the UAE are enjoying an increased surplus. Additionally, you can sell your product online or even provide e-services like training, education, yoga, etc.

More than 90% of the population of Dubai has access to the Internet. So, you have a huge pool of audience to target and build your business in Dubai. The best part is that you don’t need to buy physical office space to start such a company.

What are the steps to start an online business in Dubai?
The process of opening an online business in UAE is simple. To start such a company in Dubai, all you need to do is:

Finalize your business activities
Reserve a brand name
Determine the location of the office / virtual office
Apply for an online business license
Optimized website hosting
Open a bank account

All these steps are discussed in detail below to make it easier for you:

1. Finalize your business activities
The first step to starting a business in Dubai is to finalize the business activities you want to do. Indian business owners should analyze their products and services and list activities accordingly.

2. Reserve a brand name
What is the name of your online investment in UAE? Do you have a ready list for this or do you need to create one? Having a branded booking receipt is essential for starting an online business in Dubai.

Additionally, ensure that you follow all naming convention protocols maintained by the UAE government. Never use derogatory terms or words that are abusive or insulting in any sense. Remember that foreign brand names will be charged extra.

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